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Meesa Caudill

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I refuse to apologize for being real.

I have no desire to join the masses who are so eager to impress one another with their artificial everything. Fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake body parts, fake tans, fake personalities. I'm no Barbie. I don't want a Ken.

Everything about me is genuine. I'm honest. My body is real. My face is real. My hair, my nails, my accent, my personality. When I wake up I am the same person as when I fell asleep. I don't have to remind myself to be someone that I'm not. I don't have to act a particular way because of who I am around. Everyone who knows me knows the same girl. Go ahead, ask. I bet that Barbie girl you drooled over at the bar can't say that.

I may not be where I want to be in life. I may not have the material things that seem to matter, like your brand name clothes that you find so horribly important. I may not drive the best car, or have much money in the bank. My credit sucks and I've never been to college. But when you meet me, when you talk to me... you get ME. You don't get an imposter who's trying to be someone just to impress you. I want ME to impress you. And if I don't, move on. Don't waste my time or yours trying to change me. I am who I am, you are who you are.

I grew up poor. I grew up on welfare. I grew up in low-income apartments, trailer parks, and places where most of you are scared to drive. My mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through life. Everything I've ever had, I've had to earn. I appreciate everything I've ever had that much more because of that reason. I am proud of where I come from because, even though everyone in every neighborhood I've ever lived in was poor like me, most of them were REAL just like me. We didn't try to keep up with the Jones' because the Jones' didn't have shit either.

I don't feel the need to put on a short little dress, tons of makeup and hairspray, and high heels I can barely walk in every time I step outside my house. Yes, it's fun to get all dolled up and go 'girly' sometimes but I don't need to do that in order to feel comfortable going out in public. I am comfortable in my skin, without all the glitter.

I speak my mind unless I think it will hurt people I care about. When it comes to people I love I am a bit of a pushover. Maybe that's the 'fakest' thing about me. I love crude humor, I can make sailors blush with some of the things I say, I act a fool when I'm having fun with my friends, and I typically don't censor myself when at a bar or even on Facebook. I have no reason to. But I know how to be a "lady" when necessary. I behave myself when I must, but when it's not necessary I have fun. Regardless, I am still ME.

For a few years now I've been insulted by numerous people for being 'redneck' and having 'redneck' friends. But here's the thing about me and my 'redneck' friends- we are all real. We get along with everyone. We accept everyone for who they are. We don't look down on you for spending $50 on a button-up shirt at Hollister when you could have gotten the same shirt at Walmart for $9.99. We may think you're a bit crazy but we won't dislike you for it. But at the same time, we aren't impressed with that ridiculousness either.What impresses us are other real people who don't feel the need to belittle others with snide comments degrading people they think are beneath them. Each different personality brings a new element into our lives and we all learn things from our differences. That's how it should be. We don't care what car you drive or what you do for a living. We don't care what clothes you wear. We don't care how much money you have in the bank, how many degrees you have, or what you own. So why do you??

I refuse to apologize for being me. I refuse to apologize for being that "redneck" chick. I refuse to apologize for not having the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect life. I refuse to apologize for loving the people I love and wanting to be surrounded by them because they make me happy. I refuse to apologize for not wanting to change because I don't fit your idea of what I should be. I refuse to apologize for having fun just as I am. I refuse to apologize for having the same personality regardless of who is around me. I refuse to apologize for not feeling the need to put on a show to impress you.

I refuse to apologize for being real.