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Meesa Caudill

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Hope

I hope you're happy-
you broke my heart.
I hope you're satisfied-
I'm torn apart.

I hope your days are bright
while mine are filled with rain.
I hope your body is numb
while mine is filled with pain.

I hope you're having fun
while I cry myself to sleep.
I hope you're really in love.
Oh, God, it hurts so deep.

I hope you're in paradise
while I'm in a burning hell.
I hope you're thinking of me,
but if you were you'd never tell.

I hope your dreams come true
while mine are being shattered.
I hope your soul is at peace
while mine is torn and battered.

I hope you're wondering
what it's like to meet death-
and I'd tell you if I had the chance
but I now take my last breath.

I hope you have the chance to know
what it's like to say goodbye
to someone that you've loved for so long.
Goodbye, boy, I hope you cry.

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